Pastoral Council

Chairperson: Helen Flynn
Phone: 394-3536

St. Pius X Pastoral Council has ten members including laity and religious. The Council meets on a regular basis (approximately every two months), and the Executive meets on an “as needed” basis. The Pastoral Council is a consultative and guiding body within the parish which meets regularly with the Pastor to pan and guide the pastoral mission of the parish. The work of the Pastoral Council includes, but is not limited to:

  • Advising the parish Finance Committee on its pastoral priorities and request financial support for those initiatives.
  • Providing leadership in building and maintaining a vibrant Christian community within the parish to ensure that certain objectives are met.
  • Ensuring that programs are made available to parishioners such as faith development and spiritual formation.
  • Ensuring that a continuous assessment of the pastoral needs of the parish are identified and met.
  • Providing direction and encourages all parishioners to share the responsibility for parish life.

To find out more about the Pastoral Council or to talk to one of the members, please contact the Parish Office.