Catechism Registration Grades 2 – 9

Before you register your child:

  • For the 2024-25 catechism year, the parish will be using the Diocesan Catechetical program, “Be My Disciples” for Grades 2-8. Grade 9 students will prepare for the sacrament of Confirmation during their catechetical year.
  • Catechism classes will begin in the Church basement after Thanksgiving. Home Tutor will remain an option for those families who wish to continue with home-based lessons. Organizing classes will depend on getting a minimum number of children for any grade level group at a given time plus a volunteer catechist. Parents are asked to register your child(ren) ASAP and the parish will update our plans as soon as we are able. All catechism classes will be held in the Church basement this year, either before (9:30-10:25 am) or after the 10:30 am Sunday Mass (11:30am-12:30 pm).
  • To help cover the costs associated with ordering catechetical program materials and supplies, there will be a registration fee of $10 per child or $20 per family. Registration may be completed by placing an envelope marked “catechism”, with your name on it,  in new mail slot at the Parish Office, or in the collection boxes at the weekend Masses. Please make any cheques payable to St. Pius X Parish. The catechism fee may also be sent via e-transfer. Please email for details. 
  • Catechism lessons will begin in mid-October 2024 and run until late-April 2025. You will be contacted via email or by a parish volunteer with details. If you choose to Home Tutor this year, the materials will be prepared for pickup in early October. 
Child's Name
  1. (required)
  2. (required)
  1. (required)
  2. (required)
  3. (required)
Emergency Contact
  1. (required)
  2. (required)
If you would like to volunteer
  1. Position: