Catechism registration

St. Pius X | News
6 Oct 2024


Registration for the parish catechism program has begun. 

Catechism Registration for Grades 2-9:  Online forms are available on the parish website at:

The link for registering children entering Grade One is:

Printed copies of the registration forms are also available in the Church Foyer and the Parish Office. Office hours are Monday-Friday 9:00am-12 Noon and 1:00 – 3:00pm. 

Registration fees will be $10 per child/$20 per family. Online registration may be completed by placing the fee in a plain envelope, marked “Catechism” with your name, in the collection box in the Church foyer at the weekend masses or dropped off at the new mail slot to the left of the Parish office door. Cheques may be made payable to St. Pius X Parish. Call or email the Parish office at (902)894-8380 or if you would like to pay the fee via e-transfer. 

The parish uses the “Be My Disciples” catechism program for Grades 3-8. 

The Confirmation preparation program for those in Grade 9 and older will begin later in the Fall. 

Please contact Jerry at the Parish Office (902)894-8480 or with any questions you may have.